Game Changer Physical Therapy

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How Long is Physical Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis: What to Expect for Treatment

There’s no doubt about it, developing plantar fasciitis can be a real pain. It’s been known to derail some training plans and linger for years (but, spoiler alert: it doesn’t have to be that way). 

Sure, we’ve all heard the horror stories - Aunt Mary has dealt with it for over 10 years and your friend took nearly two years off training for marathons because of it.

But you’re building up mileage in your training plan and have noticed that your heel is starting to get a little sore.

Now you’re just hoping and praying that your foot pain doesn’t land you in the same spot. Sound familiar? 

Here’s the good news - physical therapy is a very effective treatment route for plantar fasciitis and the sooner you get help, the better the outcome will be.

Before we go any further, if you're looking for physical therapy treatment for plantar fasciitis and you're located in the Kennewick, WA area, I'd love to help you at Game Changer Physical Therapy.

Book a free discovery call to chat with me before you begin.

Now, onto learning more about plantar fasciitis.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis, by definition, is a condition resulting from inflammation of the plantar fascia (the thick band of fibrous tissue on the sole of your foot that runs along the bottom of your foot, from the front of the heel to your toe). This band of tissue supports the arch of the foot.

Pain typically starts on the sole of the foot, right at the front of the heel, but can also extend into the arch of the foot. Pain is most noticeable when standing, walking, getting up after sitting for a long period of time, and especially after taking that first step in the morning. Some peope

Depending on how inflamed it is, sometimes walking around helps, but in more severe cases walking often makes it feel worse. 

And this leaves you wondering, how am I supposed to run my race (or even stand at the starting line) feeling like this?!

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment & How Physical Therapy Can Help

*Cue the superhero music for your physical therapist to walk in.* 

But let me explain, a physical therapist’s entire job is to help figure out:

  • Why you have pain

  • How to reduce pain and get rid of said pain

  • How to get you back to your sport ASAP

We’re the biomechanics experts, which means that we’re the movement pros and the ones who are trained to help you recover from this injury. We specialize in what's considered conservative treatment, in other words, not surgery.

My disclaimer: Not all physical therapists (PTs) are the same. If you had a terrible experience in the past, try working with a different physical therapist or going to another clinic. 

My pro tip: Find a PT who is aligned with your values and goals.

If you’re an athlete, then find a physical therapist who regularly treats athletes. (If you’re in the Kennewick, WA area - that’s me!) Make sure your PT understands what you’re trying to accomplish and feels confident in helping you get there. 

Physical therapy is not a “one size fits all” treatment approach, when it comes to plantar fasciitis.

A physical therapist can help identify the true source of your plantar fasciitis pain. It’s important to figure out what is causing the pain, so that you know how to treat it effectively and so we can develop a specific treatment plan for you for pain relief and return to sport.

Plantar fasciitis is usually the result of an imbalance elsewhere in the body that puts increased strain on the plantar fascia resulting in inflammation. It can be a result of decreased mobility in the ankles or toes, weakness in the hips, poor balance, issues in the low back, or decreased strength in the muscles of the foot and lower leg.

And it’s worth noting that what worked well for your friend, may not work for you. Not everyone responds well to rolling their foot on an icy water bottle and stretching their foot and calf against a wall. 

For a starting point with exercises, check out my other blog post (link to previous plantar fascia blog)

So How Long is Physical Therapy Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis?

I know you aren’t going to like it when I say this, but it depends. 

In most cases, plantar fasciitis is not fixed overnight or in one session. It’s extremely rare to go from having debilitating heel pain to running 10 miles pain-free overnight. But it also shouldn’t take years to fully heal. 

The truth is, you should be seeing some progress within a couple of weeks of starting physical therapy - whether that’s with decreased pain levels, increased mobility in the foot, actually being able to tolerate walking and running. 

You will see little improvements at first, like being able to get out of bed in the morning without that bruised heel feeling or being able to go on a short walk or run a couple times per week. Yes, you might still have some pain for a while as you increase your activity and return to your normal activities, but your progress will build. 

It’s normal for you to still have some discomfort in the plantar fascia as you increase your activity level and exercise demands. You might be able to stand longer, walk further, get back into your training, but still have some pain in the heel. That doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress. And you will be pain-free eventually. 

At my clinic, I’ve had patients recover from plantar fasciitis in as little as 4 weeks or take as long as 6 months to become totally pain-free. 

I know that’s a huge range for a recovery timeline, but honestly Everyone’s body responds differently to treatment and there are SO many factors that ultimately impact their recovery. There are so many ways to treat plantar fasciitis, but your therapist should help determine the best route for you. 

Bottom line: if you aren’t seeing any results or forward progress in your recovery, then talk to your PT and switch things up!

And truth-be-told... treatment for plantar fasciitis shouldn't just revolve around wearing a night splint and hoping for the best. That's not how I treat at Game Changer.

Things that Impact Plantar Fasciitis Recovery

There are so many factors at play when it comes to establishing a realistic recovery timeline for an athlete with plantar fasciitis. You must address everything from training plan, to shoewear, to sleep in order to get an accurate idea of how long it’ll take to get full recovery. 

Some of the most important areas to address:

  • Current training schedule

  • Current recovery plan (if any at all)

  • Timeline for race or competition

  • When is the next one? 

  • Are you currently in-season?

  • Shoewear choices for daily life and work

  • Shoewear for your sport - did someone fit you with those shoes specifically?

  • Previous treatment for plantar fasciitis

If you aren’t making as much progress as you hoped, then take a closer look at the list above and start a discussion with your physical therapist. Reviewing your responses together can help keep you on track for your quickest and most effective recovery. 

Let's Talk About Next Steps

My takeaways for you when it comes to plantar fasciitis treatment timeline and expectations:

  • Physical therapy is an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis

  • Find a PT that understands you and your goals as an athlete

  • You should be seeing some form of progress within a couple weeks of starting physical therapy (if not, talk to your PT)

  • Expect rehab to take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months 

  • There are many areas to address regarding what’s causing YOUR plantar fasciitis

  • What worked for someone else may not work for you

  • You may have to modify some of your training for the short-term, but that doesn’t mean complete rest

  • You may need to introduce a few more recovery principles in the interim to get rid of the pain and keep you moving forward

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis in Kennewick, WA

If you're an athlete or active human of any kind, I'd love to help you if you're experiencing symptoms of plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis isn't something you need to just accept and deal with forever.

To book with me at Game Changer Physical Therapy, you can start by booking a discovery call where we'll chat about your symptoms, expected timelines, and I'll answer any questions you have about treatment.

Next on your reading list:

  1. Pain in Arch of Foot After Running: Three Potential Causes

  2. Plantar fasciitis: The best exercises and treatment

  3. The Ultimate Guide to Comprehensive Athlete Recovery Strategies